American Association of Public Health Dentistry Initial Process for New Chapter Approval
- Individuals interested in starting new Professional or Student Chapters contact AAPHD National Office.
- Chapter recruits a minimum of six members (can include its officers), and holds a meeting to vote for officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer recommended. Student Chapters must also identify a Faculty Advisor who is an AAPHD member and willing to serve in this capacity. Faculty Advisors must be a current member or must complete an online membership application.
- A Faculty Advisor Intention Form must be completed and returned along with a Letter of Intent. (Student Chapters only)
- Chapter submits names and contact information for officers along with the Letter of Intent.
- The Letter of Intent is forwarded to the National Office. The National Office forwards the Faculty Advisor Intention Form and Letter of Intent to the Executive Director within 10 working days of receipt to place on the agenda for the next Board of Directors meeting and seek approval to proceed.
- National Office notifies the designated Chapter contact of approval or about additional information needed.
- Once approved, the National Office requests Bylaws from designated Chapter contact. Sample Bylaws.
- Chapter applies for recognition as a Student Organization at the College or University (if applicable).
- Chapter contact the submits Bylaws to National Office.
- National Office forwards the Bylaws to the Executive Director within 10 working days of receipt to place on the agenda for the next Board of Directors meeting for final review/approval of a Charter.
- National Office notifies the designated Chapter contact of approval or for additional information necessary. If approved, the National Office forwards Chartering Documents.