Mission and Strategic Plan

Founded in 1937, the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) provides a focus for meeting the challenge to improve oral health. AAPHD membership is open to all individuals concerned with improving the oral health of the public.

AAPHD accepts the challenge to improve total health for all citizens through the development and support of effective programs of oral health promotion and disease prevention.


AAPHD is the premier dental public health organization that promotes optimal and equitable oral health for all through education, research, practice, policy and advocacy.


Goal 1: Develop partnerships with members and stakeholders that have an interest in public health dentistry.

     Objective 1-1:  Convene symposia in collaboration with other stakeholders.

     Objective 1-2:  Develop 1-2 strategic and influential partnerships to advance the oral health of the public.

Goal 2:  Translate evidence into policies and programs.

     Objective 2-1:  Through strategic partnerships, develop scientific resources to enhance the evidence-base, develop policy and promote dissemination of the science of public health dentistry.

      Objective 2-2: Create a research agenda to promote the science of public health dentistry.

Goal 3: 
Develop talent & leadership in the field of public health dentistry.

     Objective 3-1: 
Develop training and educational programs in public health dentistry.

     Objective 3-2:
Advocate for, and utilize, resources to promote dental public health education.

     Objective 3-3: 
Disseminate the dental public health curriculum to dental hygiene, dental and residency programs.