AAPHD Interim Policy Statement on IOM Report Resolution on the Institute of Medicine's Report: Dental Education at the Crossroads: Challenges and Change Approved by the assembly of AAPHD members October 7, 1995 Communique Nov 1995;14(4):6. Background The Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, established a Committee on the Future of Dental Education "to identify measures to strengthen dental education in the United States and stabilize its position within the university." The specific charge to the Committee was to: examine the current status of dental education and oral health in the United States and consider future scientific, demographic, economic, organizational, and other developments that may affect oral health status and the system for educating dentists and other dental personnel; develop a statement of how, over the next 25 years, oral health and oral health services should be improved in the United States, and identify the short-term and long-term implications of this statement for dental education and public policy; describe strategies that will help dental education, research, and practice improve oral health by responding effectively to current problems and future developments in both science and society; and consider ways in which each dental school can better relate to the mission of its university and to the community at large. Through site visits, personal interviews, mail and telephone surveys, and oral and written testimony from the dental, medical, and lay communities, the committee collected "information and perspectives of dental education in the context of the broader systems of health professionals education and health care delivery." Based on their findings, the committee issued a report, entitled Dental Education at the Crossroads: Challenges and Change, in January 1995. This report included 22 recommendations covering dental education, research, and dental care delivery. Supporting materials for the recommendations were contained in the report and in background papers published in the Journal of Dental Education. · WHEREAS, the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) seeks to improve the oral and general health of all Americans; and BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY: · Endorses the Institute of Medicine's report Dental Education at the Crossroads: Challenges and Change; and |