2014 AAPHD Student Merit Awards Program
Leverett Graduate Student Merit Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dental Public Health
First Place Vinicius N Tavares, DDS, MPH
Bureau of Dental Health, New York State Department of Health Title: Trends in Ambulatory Care Sensitive Dental Related Visits to Hospital Emergency Departments in New York State, 2007 To 2011 Sponsor: Jay Kumar
Second Place Leo Ndiangang Achembong, BDS, MPHc University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health Impact of a Preventive Dental Program in Medical Offices on Statewide Trends in Dental Caries Sponsor: Gary Rozier
Third Place Julie C. Reynolds, DDS, MS University of Iowa College of Dentistry Neighborhood and Family Social Capital and the Oral Health of Children in Iowa Sponsor: John Warren
Honorable Mention Go Matsuo, DDS, MPH University of Maryland School of Public Health Title: What Maryland Dentists Know and do about Preventing Dental Caries in Children Sponsor: Alice Horowitz, PhD
Tarek Elmajie, BDS Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Title: Association Between Sleep Problems and Periodontitis Among US Adults Sponsor: Dr. Woosung Sohn
Tariq Ghazal, BDS, MS The University of Iowa Title: Prevalence, Incidence and Risk Factors Associated with Early Childhood Caries Among African-American Children in Alabama Sponsor: Dr. John Warren
Zuhair Natto, BDS, MDA, MPH Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Title: Is Periodontal Health In The Elderly More Sensitive To The Effects Of Chronic Diseases, Medications And Smoking? Sponsor: Dr. Athena Papas
Shillpa Naavaal, BDS, MPH, MS Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Title: Factors Associated with Parent-Reported Dental Care Utilization for a Dental Problem Among U.S. Children Aged 2–17 Years—National Health Interview Survey, 2008 Sponsor: Dr. Barbara Gooch
Liny Cheeran, BDS Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine Title: Trends in Access to Dental Care and Dental Insurance Status among Children and Adolescents Sponsor: Dr. Kristin Williams
Predoctoral Dental Student Merit Award for Outstanding Achievement in Community and Preventive Dentistry
First Place Amelia Stoker, BS; Sydney Stoker, BA; Caroline DeVincenzi, BA Oregon Health & Science University, School of Dentistry Title: Oral Health Status, Knowledge, and Practices among 12 Year Old Kenyan Children-A Global Health Study Sponsor: Dr. Eli Schwarz
Second Place William Jacobson, MPH School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University Title: Oral Health Care in the LBGT Population: Access, Perceptions, Barriers, and Potential Solutions Sponsor: Dr. Kristin Williams
Third Place Adam Fritzgerald Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine Title: Use of Spatial Analysis to Inform Community Outreach Activities Sponsor: Dr. Poonam Jain
Honorable Mention Linda Sepideh Borna The Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Title: Eliminating the Oral Health Disparity in Low Socio-Economic Communities through Dental Education and Preventative Care Sponsor: Dr. Santosh Sundaresan
Dental Hygiene Student Merit Award for Outstanding Achievement in Community Health Dentistry
First Place Laura Hettinger, RDH University of Michigan School of Dentistry Title: Perinatal and Well-Child Community Oral Health Education Program Sponsor: Janet Kinney, RDH, MS
Second Place Laura Beers, Lydia Diekmann, Erin Herbranson, Erin Klobe University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Title: Community Oral Health Outreach Project: Native American Community Clinic Sponsor: Priscilla Flynn, RDH, MPH, DrPH